Free from lactic acid

Every athlete’s dream: forget about the troubles of lactic acidosis! Thanks to the use of a technology developed in the medical field, it has been possible to manufacture articles of clothing that charge, hold and release to the human body, through the osmotic transdermal route, molecules of carnosine – the only natural antagonist of lactic acid.

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Recharging is simple

As “nothing can be created or destroyed”, the carnosine that is transferred while wearing the garments is refilled, in order to keep its functionality.

The system is simple: You can choose between using the appropriate “Recharging Tank” and the “Spray” solution.

The “Recharging Tank” is filled with water until the specific level sign, and the recharge bag must be completely dissolved in it; now, the garments to be charged must be immersed after having turned them inside out for a total number of four release areas (2 pairs of socks or 2 pairs of short leggings or 1 pair of long leggings or 1 pair of shirt sleeves).
After 30 minutes, the garments will be charged and can be dried, without heating them up or wash them.

The “Spray” contains around 120 jets; each release area requires 4 of them in order to be correctly recharged. The product must be applied on the garment turned them inside out and dry at least 10 minutes before wearing it.

The recharged garments remain in that condition for at least 2 years IF THEY ARE NOT WORN.

After having worn a garment charged with carnosine, the release begins after around 15 minutes and it is not interrupted, not even if the garment is taken off. For such reason, once the garments are worn for more than 10 minutes, even if they are not worn for the seven hours during which the product is constantly released, they get DISCHARGED and must be recharged.

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